
List all invoices connected to a specific brand or provide any of the search criteria to narrow your results. The maximum number of returned results is 50. If a 'customer_account_id' or 'subscription_id' are provided a maximum of 400 results is returned.

Status Ledger:
0 - Unpaid
1 - Paid
2 - Partially Paid
3 - Deleted

Parameter Type Required Description
invoice_id string optional Provide a 'invoice_id' to find a specific invoice.
customer_account_id string optional Provide a 'customer_account_id' to list invoices connected to a specific customer.
subscription_id string optional The 'subscription_id' linked to the invoice.
custom_field_1 string optional The value of 'customer_field_1'.
custom_field_2 string optional The value of 'customer_field_2'.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('invoice_id' => "",'customer_account_id' => "",'subscription_id' => "",'custom_field_1' => "",'custom_field_2' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Invoice/List','GET',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Create a manual invoice. This service allows you to send invoices to customers for services outside of any subscription.

Invoices for subscriptions are automatically generated two days before the subscription payment is due. Creating invoices using this service should only be done to bill for products/services outside of any ongoing subscription.
attached_items must be provided in the following JSON format:

Example JSON:
[{"item_name":"Programming Services Base Charge","item_price":"25.00","tax_exempt":"N"},{"item_name":"25 Hours of Programming","item_price":"250.00","tax_exempt":"Y"}]

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string required The customer account you want to link the invoice to.
attached_items string optional A list of items and their associated price you wish to add to the invoice in JSON format.
due_date string required The date the invoice payment is due. Valid date format is M/D/YYYY.
custom_field_1 string optional A custom field for your records.
custom_field_2 string optional A custom field for your records.
auto_subscription_id string optional This is for testing only.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "",'attached_items' => "",'due_date' => "",'custom_field_1' => "",'custom_field_2' => "",'auto_subscription_id' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Invoice/Create','POST',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Update an existing invoice.

Invoices which are automatically generated by RecurringStackā„¢ for a subscription can not be updated using this service.

Parameter Type Required Description
invoice_id string required The 'invoice_id' you wish to update.
customer_account_id string required The customer account you want to link the invoice to.
attached_items string optional A list of items and their associated price you wish to add to the invoice in JSON format.
due_date string required The date the invoice payment is due. Valid date format is M/D/YYYY.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('invoice_id' => "",'customer_account_id' => "",'attached_items' => "",'due_date' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Invoice/Update','PATCH',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Delete a previously created invoice. This function works for invoices automatically generated for subscriptions and manual created invoices.

This action is not reversable.

Parameter Type Required Description
invoice_id string required The 'invoice_id" of the invoice you wish to delete.
customer_account_id string required The customer account the invoice you wish to delete is associated with.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('invoice_id' => "",'customer_account_id' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Invoice/Delete','DELETE',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }


Send the 'Invoice/Reminder' notification to a customer.

The 'Invoice/Reminder' notification must be setup to utilize this service.

Parameter Type Required Description
customer_account_id string required The customer account the invoice is linked to.
invoice_id string required The 'invoice_id' you wish to send the reminder email about.
bypass_overdue string optional Normally the API checks if the invoice is at least a day overdue. To bypass this check provide a 'Y' value.
//key,user_key,brand_id,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$rstack = new recurringstack('','','','xml','clean'); 

$params = array('customer_account_id' => "",'invoice_id' => "",'bypass_overdue' => "");
try { $response = $rstack->request('Invoice/Reminder','POST',$params); } catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Your content here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui, natus temporibus voluptate corporis possimus ab aut cumque.


Quick Tips

You may remove all ID or Class names which contain _dm-, they are only used for demonstration.

Boxed Layout

Fluid Layout Remove the .boxed-layout and .centered-layout classes from the body.
Centered Layout Add a class .centered-layout to the body.
Boxed Layout Add a class .boxed-layout to the body.
Boxed Layout with background image

Add background image to the body.

<body class="boxed-layout" style='background-image: url("path_to_img/image.jpg");'>

Or it could be in your own class.

.bg-img {
background-image: url("path_to_img/image.jpg");
<body class="boxed-layout bg-img">

Color Schemes

Replace the current Bootstrap CSS and Nifty CSS path with the new path of the CSS color schemes you wish to use.

This is where you can change the color scheme of your app / website.

    <title>My Project</title>

    <!-- STYLESHEETS -->
    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- -->

    <!-- Bootstrap CSS [ REQUIRED ] -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="documentation/assets/css/color-schemes/SELECTED-SCEHEMS/bootstrap.min.css">

    <!-- Nifty CSS [ REQUIRED ] -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="documentation/assets/css/color-schemes/SELECTED-SCEHEMS/nifty.min.css">



Sticky header Add a class .hd--sticky to the #root.
Expanded header Add a class .hd--expanded to the #root.
Expanded header with overlapping content. Add a class .overlapping to the #content > .content__header.
Disable rounded header. Add a class .rounded-0 to the #content > .content__header.


Add the following class to the body to change the animation transition.

Transition function name Class name
In Quart .in-quart
Out Quart .out-quart
In Back .in-back
Out Back .out-back
In Out Back .in-out-back
easeInOutBack .easeInOutBack
steps .steps
jumping .jumping
rubber .rubber
RecurringStack Documentation
RecurringStack Docs
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Background Images

Add an image to replace the solid background color
Additional Offcanvas New in BS v.5.0

Select the offcanvas placement.

Right sidebar
Color Schemes
Light Completely bright color themes.
Dark Completely dark color themes.
Expanded Header
Fair Header
Full Header
Primary Nav
Tall Header New in v3.0

Hides native scrollbars and creates custom styleable overlay scrollbars.

Offcanvas Header
Content Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente eos nihil earum aliquam quod in dolor, aspernatur obcaecati et at. Dicta, ipsum aut, fugit nam dolore porro non est totam sapiente animi recusandae obcaecati dolorum, rem ullam cumque. Illum quidem reiciendis autem neque excepturi odit est accusantium, facilis provident molestias, dicta obcaecati itaque ducimus fuga iure in distinctio voluptate nesciunt dignissimos rem error a. Expedita officiis nam dolore dolores ea. Soluta repellendus delectus culpa quo. Ea tenetur impedit error quod exercitationem ut ad provident quisquam omnis! Nostrum quasi ex delectus vero, facilis aut recusandae deleniti beatae. Qui velit commodi inventore.